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The Cloud

The ability to work from anywhere, with secure access to all your applications and data, has never been more relevant.  When combined with real-time collaboration, voice and video chat, redundancy, data protection and security the benefits seem almost too good to be true. But they’re real and they’re easier to implement than you think.  For most South African businesses today using the Cloud isn’t optional, it’s a necessity.  

Lockdowns, load-shedding, Internet outages and the challenges you face don’t have to bring your business to its knees.  The Cloud, implemented properly, mitigates all of these potential problems and brings a host of additional benefits too.  Some polls indicate as much as 77% of South African businesses use the Cloud already, to some extent, and the numbers are increasing.  The advent of Covid19, lockdowns, and remote working has accelerated the move.  Turrito can help no matter how far along the Cloud journey you are.  From just starting out to building your very own geo-redundant, hybrid-cloud, hyper-scale hosting environment.  The journey is different for every business so speak to our specialists for the best advice and the right tools for the job.  

‘The Cloud’ can refer to a huge variety of products and services like Azure or AWS for hosting or Microsoft 365 or G-Suite for desktop apps and email.  And many aspects of a business’s IT environment, like telephony, backup and disaster recovery, can also be fully or partially moved to the Cloud.  It can be challenging to choose the right products and whether, when and how much of your IT should move.  Unlike other IT companiesTurrito is brand agnostic and works with all the Cloud providers to ensure you’re getting the right advice and services to suit you.   

Speak to one of our cloud specialists today!
Our most common cloud solutions, applicable to any business, are:
  • Hosted email with Office 365 or G-Suite
  • Hosted applications such as accounting or CRM
  • Data storage and backups
  • Disaster recovery
  • Document collaboration and hosting
Our more advanced cloud solutions are:
  • Infrastructure as a Service – why own your own infrastructure and worry about the continuous support and maintenance? Let Turrito manage the infrastructure so you can focus on its primary function
  • Hybrid Cloud – a combination of public and private Cloud
  • Private Cloud – your very own Cloud, completely configurable and agile
All our cloud services are:
  • Scalable – your technology can grow endlessly with your business
  • Customizable – we’ll plan and deploy based on your specific business requirements
  • Accessible – ensure maximum accessibility and resilience from anywhere, anytime
  • Cost-effective – this is technology that pays for itself faster and more predictability