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The Hyperscalers

Cloud technology and digital transformation have proven their value. Speed to market, availability, the ability to pivot on demand, scalability and cost-efficiency are just some of the benefits that come with relevant and well-managed cloud implementation. But some organisations are still wary of the recurring expense (OPEX), and there’s a lot of terminology and technology that can feel intimidating and complex. This is particularly true of the hyperscale public cloud offerings like Microsoft’s Azure and Amazon’s AWS. They also offer a fundamental change from more traditional IT strategies where owning your own hardware and software meant more control and security.
Microsoft Azure and Amazon Web Services (AWS) are both well-known hyperscalers that offer organisations access to a data-centre like service, but one which is almost infinitely scalable and flexible. It provides on-demand access to resources and infrastructure, that were previously impossible to comprehend, to suit any budget. The architecture and types of available services have also continuously evolved over the years as these organisations invest relentlessly into innovation, capability and feature sets. This consistent investment and commitment to delivering value makes these platforms the perfect place to host essential business applications.
Turrito’s passion for cloud and relationships with leading hyperscale organisations assures you of:
  • Incredibly scalable, cost-effective and secure application hosting in the cloud that delivers to highly customisable standards.
  • A specialised solution that’s designed to meet your unique business needs – there’s no square peg in a round hole with the right cloud investment. It’s a perfect fit, for your business.
  • A capable framework that ensures your organisation can handle the complexities and challenges of work from home (WFH), loadshedding, or any other uncertainty that life throws your way.
  • A secure and accessible platform that ensures your information is available to your business, and your people, from anywhere, at any time.
  • A cost-effective solution that matches your very specific budget requirements. AWS and Microsoft Azure, if incorrectly scoped and configured, can get expensive. Using experts like Turrito brings down costs and increases efficiency.
  • Granular management of resources. Far better than traditional hosting platforms where you pay all the time, regardless of usage. Your applications should only use the resources that are needed at any given moment, night or day. No more paying for what you don’t need or use.
  • Scale on demand. Agility on demand. Flexibility on demand. It’s a consumption-based business investment that you can use when you need it. Resource efficient and immensely customisable, the move to the cloud is seamless.
  • Our relationship with, and understanding of, Microsoft Azure and AWS means that you get the right toolkits for your business, at the right time.
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Instead of spending money and time on security, application hosting and scale (which is often an unknown quantity), you can leverage the expertise of Turrito on these platformsWhen scoped and configured correctly these hyperscale data centres, now present in South Africa, are incredibly flexible, cost-effective and secure. They also offer immediate and relevant compliance to the Protection of Personal Information Act and the General Data Protection Regulation, among the 150 other regulations now in practice globally, the hyperscalers have done your work for you. 

Each hyperscale provider has its own unique benefits and advantages. Each brings something relevant to the table. Turrito can help you select the provider that best suits your business today – and your strategic plans for tomorrow. We will ensure that, with the right hyperscale investment, your business has the resilience and capabilities it needs to survive whatever may lie ahead. 

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