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Unlimited Technology Support (UTS)
Fixed-fee IT Support from Turrito

Your IT and Telecom systems are investments which should empower your business to grow and thrive.  And like any investments, they need constant attention to maximise value.  
The Turrito UTS service is the ultimate in IT and Telecoms support; Delivered effortlessly for every single one of your users regardless of the number of devices they use or their location.  It’s billed on a fixed per-user per-month basis with an unlimited number of incidents and can be delivered remotely, telephonically or on-site.   
UTS can also be extended to critical systems, for instance servers or infrastructure, with the same principals of unlimited support and a fixed monthly fee.  This means budgeting is easy and there are no surprises on your invoice at the end of the month. 
The nature of a fixed fee agreement means that incidents and downtime cost Turrito money so there is maximum focus on being proactive and solving issues before they become problems.  This is done with specialized software, regular maintenance, patch management, and constant monitoring. 
If you’re looking for a comprehensive IT Support solution that gets the most from your IT systems with the least effort, then the Turrito UTS service is for you.  Contact us now to find out how. 
Contact us about Unlimited IT Support
Some of the benefits of UTS 
  • Less downtime: Your downtime costs you and Turrito money. Turrito therefore maximises its investments in cutting-edge technology, AI and machine learning so systems self-heal or in the event that human interaction is required, issue alerts immediately.  Maintenance and patch management are also crucial in ensuring smooth systems and up-to-date security.
  • No firefighting: Our proactive support approach also reduces unexpected issues which tend to strike when you can least afford it.
  • Affordable and budget friendly: Flat-rate support means you can budget with confidence and no surprises.  Compared to ad hoc or traditional hour-based (reactive) support agreements UTS is often cheaper, especially when you consider the improved uptime and user experience.
  • Infrastructure protection: It’s in Turrito’s interest to keep all aspects of your network secure and healthy to minimize unscheduled work or disaster mitigation.
  • Business continuity: Turrito’s best-practice data security, maintenance, backup and disaster recovery systems will have you back up and running in no time. No problem.
  • No “bill-shock”:  With UTS the invoice only changes if your user or systems increase or decrease. You’ll never receive an unexpected invoice that ruins your budget (and your day).
  • Happy users: Turrito engineers are friendly, communicative, engaged, responsible and eager to help. Your users will look forward to their interactions, not dread them.
Customer portal 
The Turrito customer portal lists all tickets, invoices, projects and even your contract details. No more digging out invoices and old job cards to get updates, contact information, or work out what is going on. It’s all there, visible, and accessible at any time.
Monthly service reports 
Turrito UTS customers get monthly, easy-to-read service reports. These reports detail historical and current tickets and can highlight risks or issues which need to be addressed.  Transparency is key: all metrics are logged constantly and available for you to view whenever you require.  A successful IT support relationship is a partnership and this reporting allows all parties to understand the goals, the KPI’s and the performance.  This puts everyone on the same page and creates a highly efficient and robust platform on which your technology investments deliver maximum productivity.  Not getting this reporting currently?  Contact us to get sample reports.
Contact us about Unlimited IT Support