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Now more than ever, it’s important for businesses of all sizes to have secure and reliable backup solutions to ensure business continuity and prevent data loss in case a disaster strikes.

Managed backup service providers play a huge role in the success and safety of your business. From better recovery to money saved, check out the eight benefits of managed backup.

Save money

Building and maintaining an internal business recovery team is costly with an upfront investment and continual operating costs. By outsourcing your managed backup services, your business can scale your backup needs up or down, avoiding unnecessary costs.

Secure and protect your data better

Managed backup offers businesses an extra layer of protection through offerings like data encryption, replication, secure cloud storage capabilities, and more. It also meets industry-regulated compliance standards to protect data even more.

Keep your business operations flexible

Outsourcing to a managed backup service provider allows you to easily adjust your backup solutions based on your organization’s needs and preferences. This allows your business to remain flexible while working to scale up or down with growth or shifts in data management requirements.

Reduce operational downtime

When disaster strikes, getting your business back up and running is a big priority. Managed backup service providers offer organizations the resources and support to quickly recover and restore data in a disaster, minimizing downtime and the impact on organizational operations.

Get support as you recover

A good recovery plan is essential for businesses to ensure organizations can quickly and effectively restore data if a disaster occurs. Managed backup service providers help businesses compose detailed plans tailored to the organization’s specific needs. The better the plan, the better the response and recovery.

Meet compliance standards

Data compliance is a major area of concern for many businesses to ensure user data is secure and protected. In fact, failure to comply with regulations can result in large fines or damage to a company’s reputation. However, managed backup services offer organizations the tools needed to meet compliance requirements.

Increase efficiency

A critical step of successfully scaling a business is outsourcing tasks so you can improve efficiency and focus on growing your business. With a trusted team of managed backup service experts, you can streamline processes and conserve resources by outsourcing your backup needs.

Have experts in your corner

When you need to recover from a disaster, timing is everything. Managed backup services provide businesses 24/7 access to experts and resources, getting your business back up and running when you need it most.

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