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Early on, IT Professionals were known to as nerds and geeks.  In their circles, they were known as gods, admins, keyboard cowboys, and system lords and with those titles carried a new type of ego-bound to cool and desirable subcultures driven by access to everything and affirmed by self-imposed power.  Those who worked in the helpdesk knew everything about technology and assistance to users was often accompanied with underlying tones of superiority.  This generation of IT Professionals embraced the freedom of access to information that came with modern computing which ultimately killed their culture and with it the helpdesk.  Que-es Google.  The helpdesk is dead.  Hello world, the service desk is born.

Automation brings forth another chapter to the service desk and therefore alters the job landscape for IT professionals in much the same way access to information did.  It’s the evolution of the IT professional that ensures the relevance of a modern-day service desk.  The support provided by technicians in the 90s provided a blueprint for many of the repeatable and menial tasks handled by automation today.  The Turrito service desk utilizes this additional time to provide improved communication and enhanced user experience.

RMM (Remote Monitoring and Management) tools are often used in the modern-day service desk to provide monitoring and automate tasks.  The downfall of these “software robots” is how they interact and communicate with users, often including analytical and highly technical messages with insufficient meaning to the end-user.  The Turrito NOC (Network Operations Centre) overcomes these shortfalls by combining the RMM with sophisticated in-house programming designed to ensure users receive intelligent and sometimes even sympathetic communications that address the core problems being experienced.

For IT professionals to remain relevant, they must become leaders in service and automation; gone are the days of providing this service through basic and repeatable tasks. Users want an uber computing experience and the service desk has the power to deliver this with service, support, monitoring and most importantly, automation.

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