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Turrito Networks has once again scooped an Excellence Award, for best Fixed Partner, at the annual Vodacom Business Partner Conference held on the 8th of September.  For the first time, the conference was held virtually and by all accounts, it was a huge success.  Despite a difficult and highly unusual yearTurrito has managed to sustain its robust growth thanks to its focus on best-of-breed converged telecom solutions.  This is the 9th consecutive year that Turrito has been recognised as one of Vodacom’s most successful partners. 

We’ve had a phenomenal partnership with Vodacom for the past 10 years, and are delighted with our team’s achievement in the Fixed category for Partner of the Year, 9 years running. Despite an incredibly challenging environment in recent years, we continue to earn the trust of our customers and the market, which has helped both our business and that of our clients grow and thrive.  With the unforeseen and disastrous effects of COVID-19 still being felt, we are proud to be able to deliver technology that allows our customers to carry on working, In some ways more productively and efficiently than before.  As we continue to broaden our expertise and solutions in the technology space, we look forward to another decade of incredible partnerships and growth.” Says Brian Timperley, CEO of Turrito 

“It’s an honour to be receiving Vodacom Fixed Partner of the Year, Platinum Category for the 9th year running. Our partnership with Vodacom over the last 10 years has grown from strength to strength. We are very honoured to have a strategic partnership with Vodacom where we have grown successfully using Vodacom services during Covid which is a testament of their service offering and how relevant they are in these tough times. We look forward to growing our partnership over the next 10 years and will continue to drive excellence in the market.” Says Louis Jardim, COO of Turrito. 

Vodacom Managing Executive Head for SME and Indirect Channel, Navin Maharaj says: “Turrito have embraced the Vodacom Enterprise Business “#WemeanBusiness” hashtag and taken it to a new level by winning the coveted Platinum Business partner award for 2019. In a demanding market, Turrito delivers innovative end to end solutions to their clients incorporating Vodacom’s comprehensive basket of Fixed and Mobile services.” 

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