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Backup Solutions

Knowing how crucial your data is, Turrito uses a tried and tested backup methodology combining on-site and off-site backups for maximum redundancy and protection.  
All backups are monitored, managed, safe and highly encrypted: 
  • Automated – Your backups happen regularly in the background as frequently as you need;   
  • Bit-level – Only data which has changed gets backed up meaning low network and bandwidth usage; 
  • Secure – Using 256-bit encryption means decryption, and someone accessing your data, is virtually impossible;  
  • Local and Cloud Backup – Local backups mean accesis easy and restore times fast.  Cloud backups mean geo-redundant, ultra-reliable data protection in the event of disasters; 
  • Cross-platform – Backups from Windows, Mac and Linux are seamless;  
  • Managed – Turrito configures, monitors, tests, and updates your backups for ultimate peace of mind. 
Contact our backup Specialists

We all know the pain that comes with losing an hour of work on your PC. On a daily basis, thousands of businesses around South Africa lose months or years’ worth of work and data – or even worse, losing aentire database that can’t be recreated, or financial documents required for auditsCountless businesses face the possibility of having all their company data encrypted and then ransomed by financially motivated hackers from across the world. With the right backups solutions, these very real risks can be quickly and easily managed, restoring your data from moments before, and the ability for your business to continue operations virtually unaffected.  

Every business should consider how they would recover from significant data loss, and more importantly, how they could prevent these losses proactively. With the advent of the Protection of Personal Information Act (POPIA), these considerations are now mandatory. Cloud Backups can help your business secure real peace of mind. 

Contact our Backup Specialists