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Sendmarc’s purpose is to make the Internet a safer place. They achieve this by enabling organisations to protect their staff, customers, suppliers, and the whole world from email phishing and spoofing attacks originating from their domains. With decades worth of combined email industry knowledge, SendMarc has the experience and know-how to help you achieve full email protection.

Sendmarc follows a well-defined process to take a client’s domain to full protection while mitigating the risk of false-positives and allowing legitimate email services to operate without interruption. Through this process your domain will benefit from the following improvements:

  •  Visibility: Gaining full visibility of all servers, both legitimate and illegitimate, that are sending email from your domain.
  • Security: Ensuring no attackers can send email impersonation/spoofing attacks on your domain.
  • Compliance: Ensuring staff can only send their mail via group approved email servers. This ensures correct record management of all email communication.
  • Delivery: Improving your email delivery, making sure it arrives in the inbox and not the spam bucket.

The solution is built on globally recognised email authentication standards that are supported by the vast majority of email providers across the world. There are five core phases to achieving and maintaining full protection on your domain. Each phase has a set of implementation steps with clearly defined outcomes. Each phase is designed to safely configure your sending infrastructure to send fully authenticated email while minimising the risk of legitimate email becoming blocked.

Once SendMarc has activated monitoring on your domain, they will begin to receive forensic reports from servers receiving email from you. Their adaptive machine learning platform will analyse the data and generate aggregate reports that provide insights into where your email is currently being sent from and where threats are originating. Sendmarc will receive copies of malicious emails sent from your domain. Using these examples, you can respond appropriately to attacks.

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